Death With Dignity

Since 1994, Death With Dignity has been the national leader advocating for the fundamental freedom of choice in end-of-life options for all.
Campaigning in state and federal legislatures they wanted a brand that represented the urgency of the situation, their powerful vision, and their willingness to be boldly vocal about an often taboo subject.
We brought their vision to life through the simple idea of amplifying the Death With Dignity voice and letting the message lead.
Brand Design Lead
Brand Design, Visual Design
FK Screamer Legacy by Florian Karsten
Graphik by Commercial Type

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It was explicit that we were not to shy away from death. An important part of the Death With Dignity advocacy is removing the stigma around end of life discussions. Focusing on the first word also gave us a framework for discussing end of life treatment, themes, and topics.


A wide range of templates was created within the system to support their fundraising and communications efforts.
The visual system was also applied to their social media accounts with templates created for Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


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The typeface FK Screamer Legacy by Florian Karsten 🡠was chosen as the headline font for its bold weight, loud voice, and condensed forms, reminiscent of protest signage.

Headline spacing was specifically designed to accommodate the underline as the core graphic element of the system.