Mantle Systems

Mantle Systems provides automated implementation services for cloud systems and developer operations systems offering a strong foundation on which new or existing technology stacks can be built. The role of Mantle and the metaphor used within the brand language provided a simple yet powerful message and a basis on which the new identity can evolve and grow.
Creative Director
Visual Design, System Design
Mantle Systems
Jason Wilson, Mantle Systems
PP Neue Montreal by Pangram Pangram


The mantle mark finds its unique form through flattened three dimensionality, it is then supported by a precise and technically inspired word mark.

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The logo functions both together and as separate logomark and wordmark. It can then be used in a variety of light/dark color combinations to achieve contrast.

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The color palette needed to find some unique ground. In a space fill with mostly blue and otherwise highly saturated colors, we looked to nature and were inspired by the natural tones found there. The palette is made of a set of contrasting pairs, all chosen to work with our striking neon yellow.

When used oversized and texturally. The goal is to emphasize the negative spaces around the logo without the overall form getting lost.

The logo can be extended to crop into vertical formats.

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The typeface PP Neue Montreal by Pangram Pangram ↗
was chosen as the primary font for its structural architecture communicating a sense of ordered professionalism and its complimentary monospace font which supports the more technical detail and content.