Rippling Vista

An identity for a special internal event inviting a small selection of Rippling employees who will have the greatest impact on the future of the company, to get together and plan for the future.
The brand was to live under the Rippling umbrella, service the corporate identity, stand out without being ostentatious, and be bold without screaming.
Design Lead
Design Direction, Visual Design
Basel Grotesk by Optimo

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In the exploration around this event we decided to update the brand guidelines to avoid sub-brands for events, no more custom logos, we created a simple treatment for event titles-the name with the RRR mark and then create unique character with a visual treatment. For this and future events there would be a more cohesive unifying feel and limit confusing brand overlaps.


The brand elements were taken from the Rippling master brand. Using the secondary font as a primary and adapting their color palette in to a sunrise/sunset gradient helped create distance while feeling related.

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